El Gouna Private Sea Trips

El Gouna Private Sea Trips exhibits all individual activities related to the sea, including all the sea trips in El Gouna, Egypt. Indeed, it includes swimming, snorkelling, diving, fishing, and more activities. It is a sea-based activity you can enjoy while staying in El Gouna. You cannot miss these fantastic experiences! Additionally, these sea trips head mainly to different destinations. They run, especially, to these destinations found inside Hurghada.

At the same time, this section offers you a comprehensive collection of sea trips in Hurghada and other neighbouring cities. It provides a simple way to book a sea trip, prices, and a full description.

Types of El Gouna Private Sea Trips

  • Beach Trips and Beach Excursions.
  • Also, Boat Trips and Sea Picnics.

The sea excursions are of two major types: beach and boat trips. The following is a simple indication of these two types:

  • Beach Excursions: shore trips, or beach trips, take place on the coast of the sea. Usually, there is no need to use a sea vehicle to get deep seawater. An example of this trip is the Sharm El Naga and Abu Dabab beach excursions.
  • Boat Trips: The boat trips take place on a sea vehicle to get to the open water or some islands. Notably, this kind of sea trip is widely acceptable among tourists in Hurghada. The trips to Giftun and Utopia islands are an example of it.

Subsections of Sea Trips in El Gouna

Undoubtedly, the primary purpose of such sea trips is to enjoy the marine life from the shore or in open water. However, these trips widely vary depending on the type of activity they offer. For this reason, we divide the sea trips in Hurghada as follows:

  • Snorkelling Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna.
  • Fishing Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna.
  • Diving Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna.
  • Additionally, there are sea-related trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna.

Snorkelling Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna

Snorkelling is a popular recreational activity in Egypt, particularly at the tropical resort of Hurghada. The primary appeal of this activity is the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting. At the same time, it appeals to all ages because little effort is needed. In particular, everyone can do it without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving.

So now you are contemplating why Hurghada is a stunning spot for beach and boat trips. The Red Sea is one of the world’s great spots for snorkelling and scuba diving. The great states of the Red Sea incorporated excellent permeability because of quiet waters and expanded light infiltration. These components make the Red Sea extraordinary for developing submerged untamed life and incredible for jumping to see this natural life.

The snorkelling trip puts you close and personal with the Red Sea Riviera’s incredible marine life in clear water. The nation’s desert coast and islands are unique in their underwater scene, which detonates in assorted variety and wealth of brilliant animals and topography. Egypt swim spots are well-known for permeability, reaching up to 70 meters! The reefs of Hurghada are shallow and inclining, making them appropriate for apprentice snorkelers. Dolphins are expected between the shore and your snorkel locales on our cruise trips. They will confront their most loved reef occupants in Hurghada waters – surgeonfish, butterflyfish, pufferfish, anemonefish, sweetlips, parrotfish, beautiful wrasses, morays, stingrays, and giant turtles.

Typically, tourists extend their snorkelling experience by doing the activity in the open sea. Some Hurghada snorkelling trips head to nearby beaches where the sea is full of coral reefs and sea habitats. For example, the sea trip may head to Sharm El-Naga Bay. The sea is fantastic in this place, with more coral reefs and fish to snorkel on.

Many tourists prefer to snorkel in the open sea. Another option is a boat trip from El-Gouna. To make this trip, you must board one of the boats heading to Giftun Islands, Utopia Island, El-Gouna Resort, or Dolphin Bay.

Diving Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna

Diving is one of Hurghada’s popular sea activities. This city offers tourists several exciting options for such an activity. These options vary widely according to the destination and the location where they take place. For example, diving can take place on the beach or open sea. Indeed, tourists can use scuba diving at various available ocean sites. Thus, it allows one to explore and fully admire the Red Sea’s exquisiteness. It is a colourful marine world.

Fishing Trips in Hurghada/El-Gouna

Fishing is a great sea activity. Of course, you can fish in the Red Sea during your stay in El Gouna.

Sea-Related Activities in Hurghada/El-Gouna

El Gouna offers tourists who want to enjoy watching coral reefs and fish. Even they can do it without their feet getting wet. For example, these sea-related trips take place onboard submarines and semi-submarines.


In short, the sea trips in Hurghada are a core goal of all tourists coming to this city. Do not miss adding plenty of joy and fun to your stay!

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