

This section provides our contacts and shows you the best way to reach us. In general, there are two channels through which you can contact us. Landious Travel has a physical location as well as an online presence. Farther below, we give you information about these two channels:

Landious Travel Contacts

  • Physical Location.
  • Also, Online Presence.

Physical Location & Address

Landious Travel has a physical location in Hurghada and several Egyptian cities. We highly recommend contacting us through our website or the mobile phone provided. Also, you can approach us through our social media pages. Please note that we will provide a representative to meet you at your hotel if there is a need to do this.

Address in Hurghada

Egypt, Hurghada, El Sentral st., off Sheraton Road.

Online Presence

The Landious Travel team will gladly receive your bookings through this website. We encourage you to book your service (trip, excursion, or tour) through our site by adding the product to the cart and carrying it to the checkout procedures. You can also contact us on our mobile number/ WhatsApp/ Viber. We have a presence on social media: Facebook, Google My Business, and Twitter. Of course, you can use one of these social media channels to reach us.

Booking and Information

  • Mobile: +2 01019611266
Contact Person
  • Director: Mofreh Landious
  • Sales Manager: Taysseer Zakhary

13 thoughts on “Contacts

  1. Thank you for taking an interest in my blog.

  2. Hi, I have just booked two trips with you, but could not find anywhere to specify the dates. Please can you tell me how I do this? Many thanks

    1. Thanks for contacting us! We sent you an email to get some more information about your booking.

  3. Thank you following my blog. I’ve never really thought of visiting Egypt but I will gather some facts from your blog to decide to or not.

    1. There is a considerable number of monuments to see in Egypt. Also, it’s warn during winter 😁

  4. Hi I’ve just booked a Cairo trip for 5 but it did not ask me what date is this arranged later?

    1. Thanks for your reservation with Landious Travel!

      We sent you a reply by email. Please, check your mailbox and let us discuss it further!

  5. Hello. Your tour company follows my blog:
    I am interested in a trip to Dahab. Can you help me with this or suggest a very good tour company that can help me?
    Thank you.
    Lesley Lababidi

  6. On this page, it is has been very well explained about the ways to contact the proprietor Mr. Mofreh Landious. It can be done either physically or through the website. People like us, who are want to visit Egypt can get in touch with him and his team to get all their visits set up at the click of a button. Here the best thing that I liked is his website is very user-friendly and will help people who are not that tech-savvy to reach out to him. Kudos to him and his team!!

  7. Do u guys help process visa on arrival

    1. Thanks for contacting Landious Travel! We can help you to process your visa upon arrival. Please, write us your flight details to!

  8. Good evening. My name is Inna. Hope for our communication.

    1. Hi Inna, a message was sent to your mailbox. Thanks a lot for contacting us! Landious Travel team

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