Hurghada Two Day Tours

Are you looking for Hurghada deals? We offer top two-day tours from Hurghada to Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Abu Simbel.

Taking advantage of our Egypt tours, you can find many things to see and do in Hurghada. This city flaunts many energising attractions to keep your timetable full and you on the move. Regardless of your inclinations, this spot has something unique designated for you.

Hurghada is one of the perfect destinations for those interested in history-related tours. Experience new attractions with your family through the best packages with Egypt attractions. You can visit Cairo by car or plane. You can also see Luxor city and wander its majestic temples.


Cairo is magnificent, beautiful and, at times, infuriating. Below, car horns bellow tuneless symphmuezzins’d avenues of faded 19th-century grandeur while donkey carts rattle down dusty lanes lined with colossal Fatimid and Mamluk monuments. From above, the distorted roar of the muezzins’ call to prayer echoes out from duelling minarets.

This megacity’s constant buzz and noise are a product of its 22 million inhabitants. Simultaneously, the megacity of Cairo’s infrastructure is under their collective weight and lifting its spirits. A visit can jangle your nerves, but it’s a small price to pay to tap into the energy of the Place Egyptians call Umm Ad Dunya—the mother of the world.

Pyramids of Giza

The last remaining wonder of the ancient world for nearly 4000 years, the extraordinary shape, impeccable geometry and sheer bulk of the Giza Pyramids have invited the obvious questions: ‘How were we built, and why?’. Centuries of research have given us parts of the answer. Built as massive tombs on the orders of the pharaohs, they were constructed by teams of tens of thousands of strong. Today, they are an awe-inspiring tribute to ancient Egypt’s might, organisation and achievements.

Ongoing excavations on the Giza Plateau and the discovery of a pyramid builder settlement, complete with areas for large-scale food production and medical facilities, have provided more evidence that the workers were not the slaves of Hollywood tradition but an organised workforce of Egyptian farmers. During the flood season, when the Nile covered their fields, the same farmers could have been redeployed by the highly structured bureaucracy to work on the pharaoh’s tomb. And the flood waters made it easier to transport building stones to the site. In this way, the Pyramids can almost be seen as an ancient job-creation scheme.

However, despite the evidence, some still won’t accept that the ancient Egyptians were capable of such achievements. So-called pyramidologists point to the carving and placement of the stones, precise to the millimetre. They argue the numerological significance of the structures’ dimensions as evidence that angels or aliens constructed the Pyramids. It’s easy to laugh at these out-there ideas. Still, when you see the monuments up close, especially inside, you’ll better understand why so many people believe such excellent structures must have unearthly origins.

The four most famous sights that attract visitors are the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure, and the Sphinx. But for those who want to explore further, the desert plateau surrounding the pyramids is littered with tombs, temple ruins and smaller satellite pyramids.

Egyptian Museum

One of the world’s most important collections of ancient artefacts, the Egyptian Museum takes pride in its location in downtown Cairo, on the north side of Midan Tahrir. Inside the great domed, oddly pinkish building, the glittering treasures of Tutankhamun and other great pharaohs lie alongside the grave goods, mummies, jewellery, eating bowls, and toys of Egyptians whose names are lost to history.

Like the country itself, the museum is in flux. Some display cards have become obsolete as discoveries have busted old theories. The collection rapidly outgrew its sensible layout, as, for instance, Tutankhamun’s enormous trove and the tomb contents of Tanis were both unearthed after the museum opened and then had to be shoehorned into space. Now, more than 100,000 objects are wedged into about 15,000 sq metres (almost half the area of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool). Most things are still on display, although some are being moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum. While some rooms are refurbished, the items are deposited elsewhere in the museum. This museum will remain a significant sight, but it is unclear when the Grand will open and what will stay here.

The current museum originates from several earlier efforts at managing Egypt’s ancient heritage, beginning in 1835 when Egyptian ruler Mohammed Ali banned the export of antiquities. French architect Mariette’s growing collection, from 35 dig sites, bounced around various homes in Cairo until 1902, when the current building was erect and suitably prominent in the city. Its original layout has stood as a gem of early museum design.

Until 1996, museum security involved locking the door at night. When an enterprising thief stowed away overnight and helped himself to treasures, the museum authorities installed alarms and detectors while improving the lighting on many exhibits. During the 2011 revolution, the museum was broken into, and a few artefacts went missing. To prevent further looting, activists formed a human chain around the building to guard its contents. By most reports, they were successful.

Khan Al Khalili

The skinny lanes of Khan Al Khalili are a medieval-style mall. This accumulation of shops—many arranged around small courtyards—stocks everything from soap powder to semiprecious stones, not to mention tacky toy camels and alabaster pyramids. Most shops and stalls are open from around 9 am to well after sundown (except Friday morning and Sunday), although plenty of the souvenir vendors are open if there are customers, even on Sunday.

Cairenes have plied their trades here since the khan was built in the 14th century, and parts of the market, such as the gold district, are still the first choice for thousands of locals. The khan used to be divided into reasonably rigid sections, but now the only distinct areas are the gold sellers, the coppersmiths and the spice dealers. Apart from the clumsy touts, the merchants of Khan Al Khalili are some of the most incredible smooth talkers you will ever meet. Merchants here offer a wide range of products and are willing to assist in finding anything not immediately available.

Cairo Citadel

sprawling over a limestone spur on the city’s eastern edge, the Citadel, started by Saladin in 1176 as a fortification against the Crusaders, was home to Egypt’s rulers for 700 years. Their legacy is a collection of three very different mosques, several palaces (housing some underwhelming or nearly-always closed museums) and a couple of terraces with superb Cairo views – on a clear day; you’ll see Giza’s Pyramids poking up in the far distance.

Following their overthrow of Saladin’s Ayyubid dynasty, the Mamluks enlarged the complex, adding sumptuous palaces and harems. Under the Ottomans (1517–1798), the fortress expanded westward, and a new main gate, the Bab Al Azab, was added while the Mamluk palaces deteriorated. Even so, when Napoleon’s French expedition took control in 1798, the emperor’s savants regarded these buildings as some of the finest Islamic monuments in Cairo.

This didn’t stop Mohammed Ali – who rose to power after the French – from drastically remodelling and crowning the complex with the Ottoman-style Mosque that dominates Cairo’s eastern skyline. After Mohammed Ali’s grandson Ismail moved his residence to the Abdeen Palace, the Citadel became a military garrison. The British army was barracked here during WWII, and Egyptian soldiers still have a small foothold, although most of the Citadel has been given over to tourists.

Mosque of Mohammed Ali

modelled on classic Ottoman lines, with domes upon domes, this alabaster-white Mosque within the Citadel took 18 years to build (1830–48). Its interior is all twinkling chandeliers and luridly striped stone, and the central dome is a rich emerald green. Mohammed Ali lies in the tomb on the right as you enter.

The glitzy clock in the entrance courtyard was a gift from King Louis-Philippe of France in return for the obelisk that adorns the Place de la Concorde in Paris, but it arrived damaged and was never repaired.

2-Day Trip to Cairo by Plane from Hurghada

The first-day itinerary: Get picked up from your hotel in the early morning and transfer to Hurghada Airport for your flight to Cairo. Reach Cairo by 7 am, where your tour guide will be waiting outside the terminal. Begin your full-day tour with a visit to the Great Pyramids of Giza, Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinos. Look closely at the famous Sphinx, the legendary guardian with a king’s head and a lion’s body. Then, explore the Valley Temple, where priests mummified King Chephren’s body.

Next, continue to Sakkara, located only 16 miles southwest of Cairo. This city dates back to 3100 BC. Visit the Step Pyramid, built for King Zoser and an essential aspect of the pyramids’ evolution. Then, head over to Memphis City, the ancient capital of Egypt and home to the colossal statue of Ramses II and the great Alabaster Sphinx. After this, stop for lunch in a local restaurant based on a full meal for each person, but beverages are not included. End the first day with a transfer to your hotel for check-in and an overnight stay in Cairo.

The second-day itinerary: Check out of the hotel at 8 am and collect your luggage to be stored in the car. Begin the day with a visit to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, which displays the world’s Most extensive collection of precious Egyptian art. Marvel at the rare collection of over 250,000 genuine artefacts dating back 5,000 years.

Continue to the Citadel, where you will visit the Alabaster Mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha before proceeding to Khan El Khalili Bazaar. The numerous shops in this district are known for trading brass war, copper, perfumes, leather, silver, gold, and much more. After this, enjoy lunch at a local restaurant (beverages are not included). At the end of day 2, transfer back to Cairo Airport for your return flight to Hurghada.

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