
Water sports are widely spread on the coast of the Red Sea in Egypt. Tourists holidaying in Sharm El-Sheikh, Hurghada, and Marsa Alam, can practice the different types of water sport. Parasailing is one of the water sports activities that can be done in these resorts. Tourists prefer it so much. We define this activity as a recreational kiting activity where a person is towed behind a vehicle while attached to a specially designed canopy wing that resembles a parachute. These canopy wings are known as a parasail. Usually, tourists prefer a sea vehicle, e.g. a boat, to do this activity to fly high over the sea.

During parasailing, the harness attaches the pilot to the parasail. In return, the parasail has to be connected to the boat by the tow rope. The boat then drives off, carrying both the parasail wings and pilot into the air. In this process, the para ascender has little or no control over the parachute. All the power comes through the crew on the used vehicle. The activity is primarily a fun ride and a joyful adventure.

Parascending and para-kiting are used synchronously to refer to the same activity.

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