God Amun

God Amun

God Amun was a deity in ancient Egyptian religion who became one of the most important deities in Ancient Egypt. The name is also spelt Amon, Amoun, Amen and sometimes Imen. The word “Amun” means “The Invisible.”

The ancient Egyptians depicted the god Amun in different shapes. Therefore, Amun appeared in the form of a man with a ram-head, a frog-headed man, a ram, a man wearing an ostrich plumed crown, and a goose.

Divine Position of God Amun in Ancient Egypt

Amun began as a Theban wind and fertility god. He rose to become a member of the eight gods collectively called the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. He then became a member of the three gods referred to as the Triad of Thebes. His power grew as the city of Thebes grew from an unimportant village, in the old Kingdom, to a mighty metropolis in the Middle and New Kingdoms.

At that time, the ancient Egyptians titled him the patron of the Theban pharaohs. Further, they linked him to eventually with the sun god, Ra, who was the dominant deity of the Old Kingdom. Thus, he received the names like Amun-Ra, King of the Gods and ruler of the Great Ennead. Also, the ancient Egyptians hailed Amun-Ra as a national god, creator of the universe, pharaoh’s protector, and god of war.

Temples Dedicated to Amun Ra

The temple of Karnak was Amun’s chief temple. His fame extended well beyond the boundaries of Egypt. Thus, Amun’s cult spread to Ethiopia, Nubia, Libya, and much of Palestine. The Greeks thought he was an Egyptian manifestation of their god Zeus. Even Alexander the Great thought it worthwhile consulting the oracle of God Amun.

Temples of God Amun in Karnak

The key difference between Karnak and most of the other temples and sites in Egypt is the time of building and development. Here, we are not talking about a single temple; but a complex of temples. As an ancient Egyptian temple, its construction started in the Middle Kingdom and continued to Ptolemaic times. It took a long time to arrive at its final shape.

Almost all the rulers of Ancient Egypt left their mark in this vast and colossal complex. Approximately thirty pharaohs contributed to the buildings. This construction and renovation process has led to size, complexity, and diversity not seen elsewhere. It is the largest religious building ever made, covering about 200 acres! Additionally, it was a place of pilgrimage for nearly 2,000 years.

History of the Temple of God Amun

The Karnak Temples Complex houses several temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings. The construction of the complex began during the reign of Senusret I in the Middle Kingdom and continued to the Ptolemaic period. Although when taking a close look at the place, we can find that most buildings date back to the New Kingdom.

This complex is a vast open site. It consists of four main parts: the great temple of God Amun, the Precinct of Mut, the Precinct of Montu, and the dismantled Temple of Amenhotep IV. A few smaller temples and sanctuaries connect the Precinct of Mut, the Precinct of Amun-Re and the Luxor Temple.

1 thought on “God Amun

  1. Here we get to read about one of the mightiest gods of all Egypt and way beyond that as well. His name meant Invisible hence having more power over himself. Also, we come to know that the ancient Egyptians were very religious and was fearsome as well. They could not afford to offend such a God who was so high in ranks among his peers as well. Glory to God Amun!

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