The Colossi of Memnon in the temple of Amenhotep

Pharaohs of Egypt

Native pharaohs continually governed Egypt for approximately 2500 years. The Kingdom of Kush interrupted this continuity of independent rule and conquered Egypt in the late 8th century BC. However, these rulers adopted the traditional pharaonic titulature as the native pharaohs. Following the Kushite conquest, Egypt experienced another period of independent rule before the Achaemenid Empire interrupted it. The Achaemenid rulers also adopted the title of “Pharaoh.” Nectanebo II was the last native Pharaoh to rule Egypt before the Achaemenids reoccupied it for a second time.

Achaemenid rule over Egypt ended through the conquests of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Following Alexander, it was ruled by the Hellenic Pharaohs of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Their rule and the independence of Egypt ended when Egypt became a province of Rome in 30 BC. Augustus and subsequent Roman emperors were styled as Pharaoh in Egypt until Maximinus Daia in 314 AD.

Dates of the list of Pharaohs

The dates given in this list of pharaohs are approximate. They are based primarily on the conventional chronology of Ancient Egypt, mainly on the Digital Egypt for Universities database developed by the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. However, alternative dates taken from other authorities may be indicated separately.

Egyptologists and historians call for caution concerning ancient sources’ credibility, exactitude, and completeness. Modern lists of pharaohs are based on historical records, including Ancient Egyptian king lists and later histories, like Manetho’s Aegyptiaca, and archaeological evidence. Historians have written many of these sources long after the reigns they report. The additional problem is that ancient king lists are often damaged, inconsistent with one another or selective.

King Lists of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

The following ancient king lists are known (along with the Dynasty under which they were created):

  1. Palermo stone (5th Dynasty); carved on an olivine-basalt slab. Broken into pieces and thus, today, incomplete.
  2. Giza King List (6th Dynasty); painted with red, green and black ink on gypsum and cedar wood.
  3. South Saqqara Stone (6th Dynasty); carved on a black basalt slab.
  4. Karnak King List (18th Dynasty); carved on limestone.
  5. Abydos King List of Seti I (19th Dynasty); carved on limestone. Very detailed but omits the First Intermediate Period.
  6. Abydos King List of Ramesses II (19th Dynasty), carved on limestone.
  7. Saqqara King List (19th Dynasty), carved on limestone. Very detailed but omits most kings of the 1st Dynasty for unknown reasons.
  8. Turin King List (19th Dynasty); written with red and black ink on papyrus. Likely the complete king-list in history, today damaged.
  9. Manetho’s Aegyptiaca (Greek Period); was possibly written on papyrus. The original writings are lost today, and many anecdotes assigned to certain kings seem fictitious.

Predynastic Rulers

The following list of predynastic rulers may be incomplete. Since these kings precede the First Dynasty, they have been labelled “Dynasty 0”.

  • Iry-Hor   Around 3170 BC.
  • Crocodile Around 3170 BC.
  • Ka           Around 3170 BC.
  • Also, Scorpion II was around 3170 BC.

Early Dynastic Period

The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt stretches from around 3150 to 2686 BC.

First Dynasty

The First Dynasty ruled from about 3150 to 2890 BC.

  • Narmer                Around 3150 BC.
  • Hor-Aha               Around 3125 BC.
  • Djer.
  • Djet.
  • Den.
  • Anedjib.
  • Semerkhet.
  • Qa’a.
  • Sneferka              Around 2900 BC.
  • Also, Horus Bird was around 2900 BC.

Second Dynasty

The Second Dynasty ruled from 2890 to 2686 BC according to the following list of kings:

  • Hotepsekhemwy.
  • Nebra.
  • Nynetjer.
  • Weneg-Nebty   Around 2740 BC.
  • Senedj.
  • Seth-Peribsen.
  • And, Sekhemib-Perenmaat   Around 2720 BC.
  • Neferkara I.
  • Neferkasokar.
  • Hudjefa I.
  • Also, Khasekhem(wy).

Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom of Egypt is the period of history that succeeded Early Dynastic Egypt. It antedates the troubled First Intermediate Period. These Old kingdom pharaohs ruled from 2686 to 2181 BC. According to the following dynasties:

Third Dynasty

The Third Dynasty ruled from 2686 to 2613 BC. According to the following order:

  • Djoser.
  • Sekhemkhet.
  • Sanakht                                Around 2650 BC.
  • Khaba   2643–2637 BC.
  • Also, Huni       2637–2613 BC.

Fourth Dynasty

The Fourth Dynasty ruled from 2613 to 2498 BC. According to the following order:

  • Sneferu.
  • Khufu                    2589–2566 BC.
  • Djedefre                              2566–2558 BC.
  • Khafre                  2558–2532 BC.
  • Baka/Bauefrê    Around 2570 BC.
  • Menkaure           2532–2503 BC.
  • Shepseskaf         2503–2498 BC.
  • Also, Thamphthis was around 2500 BC.

Fifth Dynasty

The Fifth Dynasty ruled from 2498 to 2345 BC. According to the following order:

  • Userkaf                2498–2491 BC
  • Sahure  2490–2477 BC
  • Neferirkare Kakai             2477–2467 BC
  • Neferefre                           2460–2458 BC
  • Shepseskare     A few months
  • Nyuserre Ini                       2445–2422 BC
  • Menkauhor Kaiu              2422–2414 BC
  • Djedkare Isesi   2414–2375 BC
  • Also, Unas      2375–2345 BC

Sixth Dynasty

The Sixth Dynasty ruled from 2345 to 2181 BC.

  • Teti        2345–2333 BC
  • Userkare             2333–2332 BC
  • Meryre Pepi I    2332–2283 BC
  • Merenre Nemtyemsaf I                2283–2278 BC
  • Neferkare Pepi II             2278–2184 BC
  • Neferka               2200–2199 BC
  • Merenre Nemtyemsaf II              1 year and 1 month c. 2184 BC
  • Also, Neitiqerty Siptah              2184–2181 BC

First Intermediate Period

The First Intermediate Period (2181–2060 BC) is a period of disarray and chaos between the end of the Old Kingdom and the advent of the Middle Kingdom.

The Old Kingdom rapidly collapsed after the death of Pepi II. He had reigned for more than 64 and likely up to 94 years, longer than any monarch in history. The latter years of his reign were inefficient because of his advanced age. Consequently, the union of the Two Kingdoms fell apart, and regional leaders had to cope with the resulting famine.

The kings of the 7th and 8th Dynasties, who represented the successors of the 6th Dynasty, tried to hold onto some power in Memphis but owed much of it to powerful nomarchs. After 20 to 45 years, they were overthrown by new pharaohs based in Herakleopolis Magna. Sometime after these events, a rival line based at Thebes revolted against their nominal Northern overlords and united Upper Egypt. Around 2055 BC, Mentuhotep II, the son and successor of Pharaoh Intef III, defeated the Herakleopolitan pharaohs and reunited the Two Lands, starting the Middle Kingdom.

Seventh and Eighth Dynasties (combined)

The Seventh and Eighth Dynasties ruled for approximately 20–45 years (possibly 2181 to 2160 BC). They held only limited power due to the effective feudal system into which the administration had evolved. They comprise numerous ephemeral kings reigning from Memphis over a perhaps divided Egypt. The list below is based on the Abydos King List dating to the reign of Seti I. This list was taken from Jürgen von Beckerath’s Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen. Also, that list was taken from Kim Ryholt’s latest reconstruction of the Turin canon, another king list dating to the Ramesside era.

  1. Menkare                             Probably short, Around 2181 BC
  2. Neferkare II      
  3. Neferkare (III) Neby      
  4. Djedkare Shemai            
  5. Neferkare (IV) Khendu
  6. Merenhor          
  7. Neferkamin       
  8. Nikare  
  9. Neferkare (V) Tereru    
  10. Neferkahor       
  11. Neferkare (VI) Pepiseneb           
  12. Neferkamin Anu              Around 2170 BC
  13. Qakare Ibi           2169–2167 BC
  14. Neferkaure        2167–2163 BC
  15. Neferkauhor Khuwihapi               2163–2161 BC
  16. Also, Neferirkare        2161–2160 BC

Ninth Dynasty

The Ninth Dynasty ruled from 2160 to 2130 BC. The Turin King List has 18 kings in the Ninth and Tenth Dynasties. Of these, twelve names are missing, and four are partial.

  • Meryibre Khety I (Acthoes I)                      2160 BC–unknown
  • Neferkare VII   
  • Nebkaure Khety II (Acthoes II) 
  • Senenh— or Setut         
  • Mery—               
  • Shed—
  • Also, H—       

Tenth Dynasty

The Tenth Dynasty was a local group that held sway over Lower Egypt that ruled from 2130 to 2040 BC.

  • Meryhathor       2130 BC–unknown
  • Neferkare VIII   Between 2130 and 2040 BCE
  • Wahkare Khety (Acthoes III)      
  • Also, Merykare            Unknown–2040 BC

Eleventh Dynasty

The Eleventh Dynasty was a local group with roots in Upper Egypt that ruled from 2134 to 1991 BC. The 11th Dynasty originated from a dynasty of Theban nomarchs serving kings of the 8th, 9th or 10th.

Intef the Elder Iry-pat   

The successors of Intef the Elder, starting with Mentuhotep I, became independent from their northern overlords and eventually conquered Egypt under Mentuhotep II.

  • Mentuhotep I Tepy-a                    Unknown–2134 BC
  • Sehertawy Intef I                             2134–2117 BC
  • Wahankh Intef II                              2117–2069 BC
  • Also, Nakhtnebtepnefer Intef III                         2069–2060 BC

Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom (2060–1802 BC) is from the end of the First Intermediate Period to the Second Intermediate Period’s beginning. The Middle Kingdom is known for expanding trade outside of the kingdom that occurred during this time. In addition to the Twelfth Dynasty, some scholars include the Eleventh, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Dynasties in the Middle Kingdom.

Eleventh Dynasty continued

The second part of the Eleventh Dynasty is a part of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

  • Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II 2060–2010 BC
  • Sankhkare Mentuhotep III          2010–1998 BC
  • Also, Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV        1997–1991 BC

Please note that Enigmatic kings only attested in Lower Nubia!

  • Segerseni            Early 20th century BC
  • Qakare Ini                           Early 20th century BC
  • Also, Iyibkhentre        Early 20th century BC

Twelfth Dynasty

The Twelfth Dynasty ruled from 1991 to 1802 BC.

  1. Sehetepibre Amenemhat I  1991–1962 BC
  2. Kheperkare Senusret I (Sesostris I)                          1971–1926 BC
  3. Nubkaure Amenemhat II                             1929–1895 BC
  4. Khakheperre Senusret II (Sesostris II)    1897–1878 BC
  5. Khakaure Senusret III (Sesostris III)                         1878–1860 BC
  6. Nimaatre Amenemhat III             1860–1815 BC
  7. Maakherure Amenemhat IV       1815–1807 BC
  8. Also, Sobekkare Sobekneferu                 1807–1802 BC

The position of a possible additional ruler, Seankhibtawy Seankhibra, is uncertain. He may be a temporary king or a name variant of the 12th or 13th Dynasty king.

Second Intermediate Period

The Second Intermediate Period (1802–1550 BC) is a period of disarray between the Middle Kingdom’s end and the New Kingdom’s start. It is best known when the Hyksos, whose reign comprised the Fifteenth Dynasty, appeared in Egypt.

The Thirteenth Dynasty was much weaker than the Twelfth Dynasty and could not hold onto the two lands of Egypt. Either at the start of the Dynasty, c. 1805 BC or toward the middle of it in c. 1710 BC, the provincial ruling family in Xois, located in the marshes of the eastern Delta, broke away from the central authority to form the Canaanite Fourteenth Dynasty.

The Hyksos made their first appearance during the reign of Sobekhotep IV. Around 1720 BC, they took control of Avaris (the modern Tell el-Dab’a/Khata’na), conquering the kingdom of the 14th Dynasty. Sometime around 1650 BC, the Hyksos, perhaps led by Salitis, the founder of the Fifteenth Dynasty, defeated Memphis, thereby terminating the 13th Dynasty. The power vacuum in Upper Egypt resulting from the collapse of the 13th Dynasty allowed the 16th Dynasty to declare its independence in Thebes, only to be overrun by the Hyksos kings shortly after that.

Subsequently, as the Hyksos withdrew from Upper Egypt, the native Egyptian ruling house in Thebes set itself up as the Seventeenth Dynasty. This Dynasty eventually drove the Hyksos back into Asia under Seqenenre Tao, Kamose and Ahmose, the first Pharaoh of the New Kingdom.

Thirteenth Dynasty

According to Manetho, the Thirteenth Dynasty (following the Turin King List) ruled from 1802 to around 1649 BC and lasted 153 or 154 years. The following table should contrast with the Known kings of the 13th Dynasty.

List of the Thirteenth Dinasty Pharaohs

  1. Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep I                            1802–1800 BC
  2. Sonbef                 1800–1796 BC
  3. Nerikare                              1796 BC
  4. Sekhemkare Amenemhat V        1796–1793 BC
  5. Ameny Qemau                 1795–1792 BC
  6. Hotepibre Qemau Siharnedjheritef, Also called Sehotepibre       1792–1790 BC.
  7. Iufni had a Very short reign, possibly c. 1790 – 1788 BC
  8. Seankhibre Amenemhet VI                         1788–1785 BC
  9. Semenkare Nebnuni                      1785–1783 BC or 1739 BC
  10. Sehetepibre Sewesekhtawy                       1783–1781 BC
  11. Sewadjkare                        1781 BCE
  12. Nedjemibre                       7 months, 1780 BC or 1736 BC
  13. Khaankhre Sobekhotep               Reigned c. three years, 1780–1777 BC
  14. Renseneb           1777 BC
  15. Awybre Hor I                     Reigned one year and six months, 1777–1775 BC.
  16. Sekhemrekhutawy Khabaw                        Estimated 3 years, 1775–1772 BC
  17. Djedkheperew Estimated reign of two years, 1772–1770 BC
  18. Sebkay                
  19. Sedjefakare                       5 to 7 years or three years, 1769–1766 BC
  20. Khutawyre Wegaf                           Around 1767 BC
  21. Khendjer             Minimum 4 years and three months c. 1765 BC
  22. Imyremeshaw   Reigned for less than ten years, starting in 1759 BC or 1711 BC.
  23. Sehetepkare Intef IV     Less than ten years
  24. Seth Meribre                     Reign ended in 1749 BCE
  25. Sekhemresewadjtawy Sobekhotep III   4 years and two months     1755–1751 BC
Pharaohs from No. 26 to No. 30
  • Khasekhemre Neferhotep I           1751–1740 BC
  • Menwadjre Sihathor                      1739 BC
  • Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV          1740–1730 BC
  • Merhotepre Sobekhotep V         1730 BC
  • Khahotepre Sobekhotep VI       Around 1725 BC
  • Wahibre Ibiau                    1725–1714 BC or 1712–1701 BC
  • Merneferre Ay I                 23 years, eight months and 18 days, 1701–1677 BC or 1714–1691 BC
  • Merhotepre Ini                 2 Years 3 or 4 months and nine days, 1677–1675 BCor 1691–1689 BC
  • Sankhenre Sewadjtu        3 years and 2–4 months, 1675–1672 BC
  • Mersekhemre Ined             3 years, 1672–1669 BC
  • Sewadjkare Hori              5 years 
  • Also, Merkawre Sobekhotep VII          2 years and six months     1664–1663 BC

Seven kings with Names were lost in a lacuna of the Turin canon in 1663 BC

  • Mer[…]re            Unknown
  • Merkheperre, Sometime between 1663 BC and 1649 BC
  • Merkare Sometime between 1663 BC and 1649 BC
  • Name lost                           Unknown
  • Sewadjare Mentuhotep V           Around 1655 BC
  • […]mosre                            Unknown
  • Ibi […]maatre    Unknown
  • Hor[…] […]webenre                      Unknown
  • Se…kare              Unknown           
  • Seheqenre Sankhptahi                  Between 1663-1649 BC
  • …re        Unknown           
  • Also, Se…enre                             Unknown–1649 BC

The position of the following kings is uncertain:

  • Dedumose I was Possibly a king of the 16th Dynasty. Around 1654
  • Dedumose II was Possibly a king of the 16th Dynasty Unknown
  • Sewahenre Senebmiu   Late 13th dynasty.           After 1660 BC
  • Snaaib was Possibly a king of the Abydos Dynasty    Unknown
  • Also, Mershepsesre Ini II         Late 13th dynasty.           Unknown

Fourteenth Dynasty

The Fourteenth Dynasty was a local group from the eastern Delta, based at Avaris, ruled from 1805 BC or c. 1710 BC until around 1650 BC. The Dynasty comprised many rulers with West Semitic names and is thus believed to have been Canaanite in origin, as per Ryholt. However, this reconstruction of the Dynasty is heavily debated, with the position of the five kings preceding Nehesy highly disputed.

List of the Fourteenth Dynasty Pharaohs

  1. Yakbim Sekhaenre         Chronological position is uncertain, given as per Ryholt            1805–1780 BC.
  2. Ya’ammu Nubwoserre   Chronological position uncertain, here given as per Ryholt            1780–1770 BC
  3. Qareh Khawoserre          Chronological position is uncertain, here given as per Ryholt 1770–1760 BC.
  4. ‘Ammu Ahotepre Chronological position uncertain, here given as per Ryholt 1760–1745 BC
  5. Sheshi’s Chronological position, duration of reign and extent of the rule are uncertain, here given as Ryholt. Alternatively, he could be an early Hyksos king, a Hyksos ruler of the second part of the 15th Dynasty or a vassal of the Hyksos.               1745–1705 BC
  6. Nehesy                Around 1705
  7. Khakherewre                    Unknown
  8. Nebefawre         Around 1704 BC
  9. Sehebre is Possibly identifiable with Wazad or Sheneh from Around 1704 to 1699 BC.
  10. Merdjefare is Possibly identifiable with Wazad or Sheneh. Around 1699 BC
  11. Sewadjkare III   Unknown
  12. Nebdjefare                        1694 BC
  13. Webenre                             Unknown
  14. Djefare?             Unknown
  15. Webenre             Around 1690 BC
  16. Nebsenre had At least five months of reign, sometime between 1690 BC and 1649 BC
  17. Sekheperenre   2 months, sometime between 1690 BC and 1649 BC
  18. Anati Djedkare is Only known from the Turin canon. Unknown
  19. Bebnum is Only known from the Turin canon, Sometime between 1690 BC and 1649 BC
  20. Also, ‘Apepi was Possibly attested as a king’s son by five scarabs-seals c. 1650 BC

The position and identity of the following pharaohs are uncertain:

  • Nuya     Unknown
  • Wazad  Around 1700 BC
  • Sheneh                Unknown
  • Shenshek                            Unknown
  • Khamure                             Unknown
  • Yakareb                Unknown
  • Also, Yaqub-Har                           17th–16th centuries BC

The Turin King List provides additional names, none attested beyond the list.

Fifteenth Dynasty

The Fifteenth Dynasty arose among the Hyksos people, who emerged from the Fertile Crescent to establish short-lived governance over much of the Nile and ruled from 1674 to 1535 BC.

  • Semqen               1649 BC – Unknown
  • ‘Aper-‘Anat                         Unknown
  • Sakir-Har                              Unknown
  • Khyan                   30–40 years
  • Apepi    40 years or more
  • Also, Khamudi              1555–1544 BC

Abydos Dynasty

The Second Intermediate Period may include an independent dynasty reigning over Abydos from c. 1650 BC until 1600 BC. Four attested Pharaohs may be tentatively attributed to the Abydos Dynasty. Therefore, they are given here without regard for their (unknown) chronological order:

  • Sekhemraneferkhau Wepwawetemsaf Uncertain
  • Sekhemrekhutawy Pantjeny                 Uncertain
  • Menkhaure Snaaib                          Uncertain
  • Also, Woseribre Senebkay               Around 1650 BC

Sixteenth Dynasty

The Sixteenth Dynasty was a native Theban dynasty emerging from the collapse of the Memphis-based 13th Dynasty in c. 1650 BC and finally conquered by the Hyksos 15th Dynasty in c. 1580 BC. Thus, the 16th Dynasty held sway over Upper Egypt only.

Please note that the first king’s name is lost here in the Turin King List and cannot be recovered.           

  • Sekhemresementawy Djehuti   3 years
  • Sekhemreseusertawy Sobekhotep VIII 16 years
  • Sekhemresankhtawy Neferhotep III                       1 year
  • Seankhenre Mentuhotepi           1 year
  • Sewadjenre Nebiryraw I                 26 years
  • Neferkare(?) Nebiryraw II                           Around 1600 BC
  • Semenre             Around 1600 BC
  • Seuserenre Bebiankh    12 years
  • Djedhotepre Dedumose I            Around 1588-1582 BC
  • Djedneferre Dedumose II            Around 1588-1582 BC
  • And, Djedankhre Montemsaf                  Around 1590 BC
  • Merankhre Mentuhotep VI           Short reign, around 1585 BC
  • Seneferibre Senusret IV       Unknown
  • Also, Sekhemre Shedwast     Unknown

The 16th Dynasty may also have comprised the reigns of pharaohs Sneferankhre Pepi III and Nebmaatre. Also, Their chronological position is uncertain.

Seventeenth Dynasty

The Seventeenth Dynasty was based in Upper Egypt and ruled from 1650 to 1550 BC. We list the 17th Dynasty kings according to the following order:

  1. Sekhemrewahkhaw Rahotep     Around 1620 BC
  2. Sekhemre Wadjkhaw Sobekemsaf I                        At least 7 years
  3. Sekhemre Shedtawy Sobekemsaf II        Unknown to around 1573 BC
  4. Sekhemre-Wepmaat Intef V                      Possibly around 1573-1571 BC
  5. Nubkheperre Intef VI    Around 1571 to the mid-1560s BC
  6. Sekhemre-Heruhirmaat Intef VII                Late 1560s BC
  7. Senakhtenre Ahmose    Around 1558 BC
  8. Seqenenre Tao 1558–1554 BC
  9. Also, Wadjkheperre Kamose 1554–1549 BC

The early 17th Dynasty may also have included the reign of a pharaoh Nebmaatre, whose chronological position is uncertain.

New Kingdom

The New Kingdom (1550–1077 BC) covers the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth dynasties of Egypt. It starts from the 16th to the 11th century BC. Historically, it comes after the Second Intermediate Period and ends before the Third Intermediate Period.

The New Kingdom saw Egypt’s greatest territorial extent through military dominance abroad. Generally, it expanded far into Nubia in the south and held vast territories in the Near East. Also, the Egyptian armies fought with Hittite troops for control of modern-day Syria towards the north.

Best-known pharaohs of the New Kingdom

  • Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV. His exclusive worship of the Aten is often interpreted as the first instance of monotheism.
  • And Tutankhamun is famous for the discovery of his nearly intact tomb.
  • Also, Ramesses II attempted to recover the territories held in the Eighteenth Dynasty in modern Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. Consequently, his reconquest led to the Battle of Qadesh, where he led the Egyptian armies against the army of the Hittite king Muwatalli II.

Eighteenth Dynasty

The Eighteenth Dynasty ruled from c. 1550 to 1292 BC. We list the 18th Dynasty kings according to the following order:

  1. Nebpehtire Ahmose I, Ahmosis I                Around 1550–1525 BC; Radiocarbon date range for the start of his reign is 1570–1544 BC, the mean point of which is 1557 BC
  2. Djeserkare Amenhotep I              1541–1520 BC
  3. Aakheperkare Thutmose I           1520–1492 BC
  4. Aakheperenre Thutmose II         1492–1479 BC
  5. Maatkare Hatshepsut    1479–1458 BC
  6. Menkheperre Thutmose III         1458–1425 BC
  7. Aakheperrure Amenhotep II      1425–1400 BC
  8. Menkheperure Thutmose IV                      1400–1390 BC
  9. Nebmaatre Amenhotep III The Magnificent King                              1390–1352 BC
  10. Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten     1352–1336 BC
  11. Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare     1335–1334 BC
  12. Ankhkheperure-mery-Neferkheperure/Neferneferuaten             1334-1332 BC
  13. Nebkheperure Tutankhaten/Tutankhamun        1332–1324 BC
  14. Kheperkheperure Ay (II)                1324–1320 BC
  15. Also, Djeserkheperure-setpenre Horemheb  1320–1292 BC

Nineteenth Dynasty

The Nineteenth Dynasty ruled from 1292 to 1186 BC and included one of the greatest pharaohs: Rameses II the Great. We list the 19th Dynasty kings according to the following order:

  1. Menpehtire Ramesses I                  1292–1290 BC
  2. Menmaatre Seti I             1290–1279 BC
  3. Usermaatre-setpenre Ramesses II the Great      1279–1213 BC
  4. Banenre Merenptah      1213–1203 BC
  5. Menmire-setpenre Amenmesse                1203–1200 BC
  6. Userkheperure Seti II    1203–1197 BC
  7. Sekhaenre/Akhenre Merenptah Siptah                1197–1191 BC
  8. Also, Satre-merenamun Tausret          1191–1190 BC

1 thought on “Pharaohs of Egypt

  1. What a long list of Pharaohs. Some of the names are even so difficult to pronounce. But good to know this information. If at all someone wants to know in detail about them they can do so by selecting from this list.

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