
Snorkelling is one of the favourite activities for tourists holidaying on the coast of the Red Sea. It can be defined as swimming in the water while using snorkelling equipment. This equipment consists of two major parts—a diving mask and a shaped breathing tube called a snorkel, usually swim fins. This equipment facilitates swimming by allowing breathing while facing down at the surface. This equipment enables the snorkeler to observe underwater attractions for extended periods with little effort.

Snorkelling in Egypt

Snorkelling is a popular recreational activity in Egypt, particularly at its tropical resort locations. It appeals to all ages because it requires little effort. The primary appeal is the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving.

In Egypt, vacationers can engage in this type of swimming and sports in many resorts and locations. The most famous places for snorkelling are Sharm El-Sheikh, Dahab, and Taba in the Sinai Peninsula, and Hurghada, Safaga, El-Quseir and Marsa Alam in the Red Sea Governorate.

The Red Sea near Hurghada in Egypt houses a fantastic underwater panorama with beautiful corals and a variety of snorkelling fish for enthusiasts. We take you on a day tour along shallow reefs that you can easily reach by boat. Hurghada is the place for those who prefer snorkelling over scuba diving.

Useful Snorkelling Tips

You will find a wide selection of lifejackets, fins and masks on the boat. Please note that you can, of course, bring your snorkelling gear.

  • Please respect the flora and fauna of the sea. Please do not touch it.
  • Make sure your mask fits your face. Hold the snorkel mask up to your face and remove the strap from your face—Inhale through the nose. The mask should seal perfectly and remain without holding it while inhaling.
  • Cramping can occur during snorkelling if the fins are injured or the toes are bent. Choose fins that are tight but not too tight. If they slip off your feet, they are too big. It’s better to have a little significant than too small.
  • Remember that they are easier to glide when your feet are wet. To use your fins properly, remove your hips and keep your knees and ankles relaxed to prevent your leg muscles from cramping. The fins always stay under the waterline.
  • Put the snorkelling mask on your head. Wear your belt slightly high at the back of the head and not too tight! Suck it in the face, breathe through the snorkel tube, put the mouthpiece all over your mouth, and close your lips around it. Do not bite; rest your teeth on the bite-things – or your jaw will be sore.
  • Practice breathing through the snorkel with your head out of the water in front of the real thing.

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